No Wardrobe Repeats: A Mini Challenge

This week has been so busy! My best friend got married last weekend (pictures to come!) and I started my second grad school term–a semester’s worth of 2 classes crammed into 6 weeks! Yikes. Add lots of work deadlines to that and you get a sucky blogger who doesn’t post much…

I’ve kind of let the purpose of this blog get away from me, so I’ve decided to throw a fun challenge in to get myself back in the game (well, technically I’ve not been “out” of the game, I just haven’t been blogging much about it).

The name of the challenge is “No Wardrobe Repeats,” as cleverly indicated in the post’s title. My goal is to see how many days I can go w/o re-wearing an item as of the 1st day of the challenge (Monday). Shoes and accessories don’t count, bc I’d be out of shoes in a matter of a couple weeks. I really don’t own that many pairs anymore.

Day 1:

IMG_8295Cream-colored lacey floral dress: Charlotte Russe | Brown cardigan: Target | Sandals: Aero

Day 2:

IMG_8331Coral dress: H&M | Gray/beige sweater: H&M | Lace-up oxford heels: DSW

IMG_8332I wasn’t feeling that great today (allergies), sorry for my general sloppiness

Sweater: Victoria’s Secret | Teal skirt: Forever 21 | Black flats: Target

Don’t forget about my eShakti $25 giveaway going on right now! You can enter here and read more about it here! Sorry that I can’t embed Rafflecopter directly into my blog, WordPress won’t let me. Don’t let that stop you from winning though!


OOTD Catch-up + $25 Giveaway!

It’s been a little while since I posted an OOTD, eh?

IMG_8094Black/white pixelated floral cardigan: H&M | Coral tank: Old Navy | Dark gray skinnies: Reitman’s | Black bow-flats: Target

IMG_8010Cream-colored cardigan w/ floral buttons: Forever 21 | Pink cowl-neck top: Calvin Klein | Khaki-green skinnies: H&M | Nude pumps: DSW (Steve Madden)

IMG_8220White cardigan: Target | Navy tank: Old Navy | Coral-pink skirt: Forever 21 | Buckled navy loafers: DSW

IMG_8113Striped dress: Old Navy | Navy basic heels:  DSW

Also, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a $25 gift card to eShakti!


$25 eShakti Giveaway!

My very first giveaway has arrived! I am very thankful to eShakti for providing two $25 gift cards to two lucky winners! The best part is, there is no minimum purchase! These are good as cash 🙂 Add that to the $25 off just for signing up on their website & the 10% off for using my code “fullclosetes,” and that’s a free dress!

GiveawayRules & Terms:

  1. The giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.
  2. The giveaway will run from 6/17/14 through 07/14/14.
  3. I am not being paid to do this giveaway. The cards have been provided by
  4. The giveaway is via Rafflecopter (for fairness and integrity). You must submit your entries using Rafflecopter.
  5. You must leave a blog post comment w/ a link to an item on (you are not required to purchase/use the gift card on this item). Once you do this entry (2 point value), you will be able to gain additional entries by:

-Following my blog (1 pt)
-Following @myclosetisfull on Twitter (1 pt)
-Following @eShakti on Twitter (1 pt)
-Tweeting about the giveaway (2 pts for every day you do it!)
-Following @myclosetisveryfull on Instagram (1 pt)
-Following @eShakti on Instagram (1 pt)

That’s a total of 9 entries, plus a chance to earn another 2 entries every day! Head on over to their new arrivals page to get started:

336x280-14-3-14-3Don’t forget to post a link to one of eShakti’s gorgeous pieces!

If you can’t wait for the gift card, use code “fullclosetes” to get 10% off your order as many times as you want until July 14th! Tell me, what is your summer style?

eShakti Pinterest | eShakti Facebook


Lana Del Rey’s new album has finally been released to the U.S. today!

lana-del-reyI’m a happy girl ❤ I haven’t got through the whole album yet, but with song titles like “Fucked My Way Up To The Top” and “The Other Woman,” I feel it’s going to be an amazing one (because what LDR album isn’t?). I don’t want to sound like a hipster, but her music really makes me feel like nothing else can. While I’m off in the land of emotional feels, check out one of her singles, West Coast:


eShakti Floral Print Skirt Review

*Update: I have included a coupon for 10% off your eShakti order from 6/14/14-7/14/14! See below for details!* Happy weekend everyone! I am very excited to have partnered up with the online retailer, eShakti, to review an item* I was … Continue reading

Bridal and Baby Shower OOTD’s

Summer, weddings, and babies, oh my!

Last Saturday I attended a bridal shower for my best friend, Cassie. I realized on my way home that I forgot to get any pictures with the blushing bride-to-be :/ I’m sure we’ll make up for it at her wedding in two weeks though!

I feel like my hair always photographs poorly in these outdoor photos. I hope it does not always look like that in real life! :O Ha

Bridal Shower Outfit of the Occasion:

IMG_0474Lace-collared chiffon blouse: Forever 21 | Black pleated maxi-skirt: Forever 21

I matched the outfit with some fun gold, stud, and leopard-print jewelry.

IMG_0466Baby Shower Outfit of the Occasion:

Today’s occasion was a duo-baby shower for Ryan and I’s couple-y group of friends. While three of the girls are pregnant, this shower was for the two due next in July–one a boy and the other a girl. Knowing that most dress pretty casual, I wanted to wear jeans, but I paired it with a pretty blouse in the event I was under-dressed (which I wasn’t!).

IMG_0505Navy, dusty blue, and white blouse: Forever 21 | Jean capris (technically they’re pants given to me that were too short, but hey, it works!): American Eagle | Braided faux-leather sandals: Aeropostale

IMG_0516I wore my favorite pink pearl earrings and some silver jewelry, not at all trying to do a pink/blue theme for the shower! I also had to leave early to get some schoolwork done that was due at midnight. Yay MBA!

Hope your weekend is fantastic and slow! 🙂

The Empties: May Edition

I’ve collected a few items throughout the month of May that ran out, and now I must ask myself: buy it (again) or boot it? John Frieda Sheer Blonde Lustrous Touch Shampoo & Conditioner: I first spotted this duo by … Continue reading

OOTD: Polka Dots + Hot Pink Skinnies

I just love these pants! The bright pop of color is perfect for summer, and helps cheer me up on this otherwise rainy, dreary day 🙂 I also adore the daintiness of this bow-bracelet. I’ve really been lusting after some … Continue reading